Addison Faith


Imagine yourself in a storm; the sound of rolling thunder and pounding rain fill your ears.  Cracks of lightening provide the only glimmer of daylight amidst the darkness that fills the sky.  You wonder if the storm will ever clear.  Eventually, the gloomy clouds fade away and you notice a shining beacon of hope:  the rainbow.  The rainbow does not alter the fact that the storm occurred; above all it emerges as a sign of our covenant and peace.  Presently, rainbows are a widely accepted symbol of hope following the loss of a child through infant loss, miscarriage, or stillbirth.  It was my great honor to be the newborn photographer for a family who has experienced such a loss.

Addison Faith, weighing in at 6 pounds, 12 ounces, came to my studio in Lumberton, TX for her newborn portraits.  Notice that she is holding a very special locket, one that contains her big brother’s ashes.  The emotion in the room was arguably palpable as I took these portraits.  As the rainbow brings hope and light, Addison Faith does as well.  The brighter yellows and pinks show off this gorgeous princess.  She even opened her eyes for us towards the end of the session!  All things considered, I love the joy that shines through in these photographs.  Addison Faith, is already loved and cherished already.  It was a pleasure to meet you and we hope to see you back at Connie Perkins Photography!


Voted one of the Best Newborn Photographers In Southeast Texas